Children and Families Dedicated To Education

Children and Families Dedicated To Education
Each One, Reach One, Teach One

Friday, January 14, 2011

In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King

Hello America: 

 We the small voices of America will be sending a loud message to our president, that we support all of his initiative and global  investments, that will allows us to compete in today's world economy.  We have been unnoticed by many,and  recognized by few.   

As the generation of the future w e are sending a message and a promise to America and the world, that we no longer be ignored and pushed aside.  You will have to respect us and deal with us in all matters if you wish to live in a advance and safe global world.  

Our Promise And Commitment To America And Our self:

  • To be a successful person an leader. 
  • A person who will achieve great things.   
  • We  will not let unfortunate situations stop us  from achieving our goals.  
  • We will   be responsible for our  actions.   
  • We will not believe people when they say that  we cannot accomplish good or change.  
  • We will not doubt ourselves. because we were born to accomplish great things.   
  • We can do anything, we can change the world for good.  
  • The Million Kids March 2011 KDDBIZ2000 Enrichment Leadership Inc.