Children and Families Dedicated To Education

Children and Families Dedicated To Education
Each One, Reach One, Teach One

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Million Kids March 2011 On Washington DC

An Investment in our children is an investment in our future.


 Welcome  America!

For over 2 years our president has been fighting an up hill battle to improve our children's Education, Family Health Care Reform, and Social Security  availability for our children, and  generations to come.

President Obama could not have said it better, and I quote.

"At this defining moment in our history, preparing our children to compete in the global economy is one of the most urgent challenges we face. We need to stop paying lip service to public education, and start holding communities, administrators, teachers, parents and students accountable. We will prepare the next generation for success in college and the workforce, ensuring that American children lead the world once again in creativity and achievement."

Our Goal

Is to let President Obama and Michelle Obama  know that we support their visionary stand on preserving  and disseminating quality education, family health care and new social security reform.

We  are your  small and quiet voices of America. But on this day we will become the loudest and the most recognized in  America.  Our strong future generation  will be  sending a loud message to President Obama, that we support his initiatives in education, and our countries social issues and reform.

We are also sending a message to members of congress, and local elective officials that we will not be ignored any longer.   We join  in commitment with our parents, teachers and community leaders  that education and social issues be at the forefront on their policy making and decisions. 

We support our President in his reform for change and education.  Our Pledge to President Obama is: We the children of America and of the future will be educated enough to compete in  a global world today and forever.

Our request is  that the following programs be "Improved, Expanded, and  Executed dramatically. 
Skills testing Reform on “No Child Left Behind Act
Financial investment in Early Childhood Education and community 
         leadership programs
Community election leaders  budgetary funds,and  venue commitment to 
         bring back Vocational Education  and Job Preparedness ( Grades K -12) 
         into  the classroom
Provide affordable health-care for every child and their  family. 
         ( A Healthy Body, A Healthy Mind")
Allow innovative teaching with qualified teachers and  community business 
        leaders on entrepreneurship, and self empowerment for grades (K-12)

Join Us And Help Make A Difference
Sponsor A Child Today


All Buses Will Be Leaving On A National Level

Co-op City - Bronx
Harlem State Building -Manhattan
Long Island University - Brooklyn
Queens College- Queens
Fort Lee  Recreational Center  ( Fort Lee, NJ)

Ticket Information Contact

(718) 320-8035 -(718) 825-9361


Sponsored By
KDDBIZ2000 Leadership Foundation
New York  Chapter - 36918

Co- Sponsors:
Black Forum of Co-op City
Voices of Co-op City
Coalition For Obama Co-op City Chapter